Bologna Process

Date : 19 - Oct - 2023

Kurdistan Technical Institute (KTI) officially decided to change the study system considering the standards and paradigms of the international Bologna system, and following the Institute trustee committee in Meeting No. (7) on 7/ 21/2016, to  perform the process during the academic year of 2016-2017. Therefore, following the institute decree No. 324 on 4/19/2016 a particular committee has been established. The committee perpetually has done some meetings since then, the minutes have been sent to the trustee committee of the institute to make decisions. The Institute’s specialized Committee for the Bologna process has visited the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan region and University of Human Development (UHD), to be more acquaintance with the steps of launching the Bologna process and to meet the related requirements

Several workshops on how to launch the Bologna process have been conducted by the Institute’s Bologna process committee, in which a number of foreigner  and local experts have been invited. Therefore, upon this issue,  KTI has done complete cooperation with University Technology Malaysia (UTM). The Bologna High Committee has also made several visits to the University of Human Development to benefit from the university\\\\\'s experience. What is worth mentioning is that most of our institute\\\\\'s lecturers have completed their studies abroad, particularly in countries such as Britain, Europe, Malaysia and Turkey, all of whom follow the Bologna process.

The Purpose of the Bologna Process 

The Kurdistan Technical Institute is always trying to make changes to the education system to adapt to modern changes and labour market needs. It also adapts the education system from developed countries, modernizes the teaching program, develops long- life learning principles, strengthens and ensures the quality assurance process and modern teaching program. Our institute has always hoped that education will be suitable for the world of modern learning, in which students will be at the center of learning and that the education system will be changed from a memorizing system to a learning one, so it has formally approved the decision to implement the Bologna process


The process of admission at Kurdistan Technical Institute (KTI) is based on some procedures which are offered by the trustee board, that is supposed to be based on instructions and decisions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research of  Kurdistan Region.


The Academic Semesters: some modifying occurs in commencement and ending of each semester in light of the academic calendar, which is approved annually by the scientific committee of the Institute

Definitions and Terminology


English  Vocabulary

دەستەواژەی کوردی  بەکارهاتوو





EuropeanCredit Transfer System(ECTS)




Some activities such as homework, project, report, seminar, scientific tour, team working, or other types of activities are selected by the lecturer as suitable for  that particular credit and provided it is approved by the scientific committee of each department.

Each semester is about 13-16 weeks which concludes all study days which are officially announced from the commencement till the end of that semester, that consists of lecturing, examinations, assignments, studying in library, doing projects, presenting seminar, and participating in seminars.

Credits Study (ECTS)


       To obtain a diploma certificate, the student must receive and complete 120 credits. The diploma course consists of (4) semesters, each semester consists of 30 credits. In no case can the student receive more than 42 credits in one semester.

       The allowed number of modules per semester should not be less than 4 modules and not more than 6 modules

       The credit number of each module will not be less than 5 credits and more than 10 credits except for general modules.

       The lecturing hours per week must not be less than 10 hours and more than 20 hours.

       The number of working hours to get one credit is 25 hours.

       Each department divides the modules into two types, Must and Elective modules, every accepted student is supposed to study all credits and pass them all, although elective modules in departments should vary to meet the needs of the era. However, as a first step, just the Must modules could be completed

Generally each student is supposed to accomplish each semester by two attempts, within two trials, otherwise the student fails and is not allowed to get the Certification.

For this particular issue we request the ministry to kindly offer their attitudes

                      Division of Marks


  (30-60%) of the marks will be on the final exam of the semester. If the lecturers do not want to take the examination of the semester, they can apply and the Scientific Affairs can approve it. But the statistics need to be done before starting the module.

 40-70% of the marks will be on activities, quizzes, and assessments


 For each of these academic activities, documents must be available to all students, and these documents must be retained until November of the following year. Later (two best, two middle, two worst) documents are stored in the module archive at the department.         

   The total mark should not exceed (100) marks.

 Passing Mechanism

In a semester, the student will be passed in the following situations

               The Student will be passed, if the average in each module is more than (50%) in the total  assessment results. 

               The students can take (12) credits with themselves for the next semester.

               The students do not receive a graduation certificate until they have received the required 120 credits.

               If a student fails in a semester, the Scientific Affairs can allow them to move on to the next semester on the condition that they must retake the credits . The Scientific Affairs can ask them to take another module in the next semester instead of failing credits, which is not required for them that semester. But credit and semester need to be taken into account.


               If a student fails in a lecture and wants to take another one instead of the failed credit, they can take it if the modules have the same credits.


               The students may get support from the institute regarding their marks if the ministry does not agree to implement the mechanisms of The Bologna System in which the passing percentage is 50% to each module.




 Quality Assurance Process


               The Quality assurance directorate supervises the quality assurance of the Institute, Based on the The Bologna System requirements,  a various number of workshops will be held to the lecturers on how to practice the system. The Quality Assurance Directorate is in charge of  protecting the archive  of  the Bologna Process by  the notice of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 

 The Supervisor of The Process

There is an institution at the institute that oversees the Bologna process, which finds itself in a number of fields, including: Credits distribution of modules, distribution of grades per module , evaluating documents, modules objectives, and the examination questions. The results of learning and all other requests in the Bologna process, the mentioned institution should be aware of. If this work is assigned to the Quality Assurance, therefore it can be recommended to reorganizing the administration as follows:


Each of The Quality Assurance Co-ordinators and Bologna Process should have an assistant at the level of the department. Each of these organizations has at least 4 hours per a week while working.

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