Quality and Scientific Assurance Directorate

Date : 19 - Oct - 2023

Scientific and quality assurance management





- Implementing the programs and policies of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Regional Government on all academic staff and students of the Technical Institute of Kurdistan in the fields A: Teaching science and technology and managing and improving the field of education, in order to make talented cadres at the level of Kurdistan universities.

- Developing the issues that are related to the quality of education and education is also an attempt to ensure that all scientific and news activities are related to the field of teaching the quality assurance of all relevant parties to the Kurdistan Technical Institute.



- The unification of the quality assurance process at the Kurdistan Technical Institute, co-ordinated with the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, is why they work on all the institute\'s staff for the programs and policies of the Ministry of Higher Education.


- Familiarizing all guidelines related to the field of quality assurance, in order to inform the academy staff of the institute about how the quality assurance directorate works.



The Scientific and Quality Assurance Directorate is investigating the implementation of the project\'s quality assurance process. Therefore, the types of assurance shall be implemented directly by the institute and include:



The continuous science of teachers


The students\' feedback


Lecturer’s portfolio


External evaluation of the scientific part


The elements of this administration are as follows:



Following up and implementing the quality assurance process in the message


The performance of the article and the text of the special lyrics of the type


Following up the work of the committees in the party



The concept of the study

In general, he supervises the placement and change of the curriculum.


Responsibilities are the following:



Supervising and agreeing to set up and change the curriculum in all curriculum symmetry.

The general supervision of practical training and helping the scientific process in this area.



Following up the committees




Strengthening the relationship with the labor market in the private and public sectors and helping the scientific sectors in this field, in order to connect the technology to the labor market.



According to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research\'s guidance for teaching quality comfort, these points are related to the role of students in the process of teaching quality at the Kurdistan Technical Institute. Students are instructed by:



Towards keeping the academic level of higher education in Kurdistan region


The Process of Quality Assurance of Teaching


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research




Students’ Rights

To create a suitable environment for learning. Students have a set of rights within the education process, which must be protected. These are:


Access to the course before the course begins




Fill the feedback at the end of the course. This feed will be in a way that matches the objectives of the subject, and the feedback must be filled during the course.



The feedback fill on the test process will be based on standard goals. This feed is used to change and improve the ways the tests are conducted, as a measurement device to evaluate the style and management of the course, as well as the section and all factors.



The student has the right to take a picture of the test file if he or she requests it.



Student Tasks




Universities, institutes and institutions have some rights and responsibilities, but at the same time they have some expectations for students and vice versa. At the beginning of each academic year, when students are enrolled at a university, institute, or institution, a number of subjects and conditions will be submitted to the student in the forms they must sign. These agreements include the following conditions:

The student must act according to the instructions of the Institute.



Students are forced to act according to instructions and decisions signed when they are received by the Institute.

Apply all rules and instructions.



Student assessments of subjects, courses and lessons are important and are expected to be performed by the student themselves. Although student attendance is important, not only for learning and training, but also for the success of the educational experience that is applied by institutes and departments.



Staff and administrators, who run departments, are expected to consider student attendance, record student attendance and follow up whenever necessary.

It is a national and academic duty for students to act responsibly and raise their standards of information and certificates.



 Unauthorized absences are those who exceed (10-15%) who are allowed to attend. The results at the time of crossing the following limits are:


The student will have no right to evaluate the lesson, or the way the course is managed.


The student loses the right to take the first test in the course, automatically entering the list where he or she can open the test.

Each student is not present in two lectures.




The student loses the right to take the end-of-year exams, which are considered to be successful in the course, when the average percentage of attendance exceeds 10%, it is counted as successful, and if there is valid evidence, it should not exceed (15%).


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