
The panel “The Beginning of Scientific Research from Writing to Presentation” was held

Date : 06 - Mar - 2024

In the framework of the memorandum of understanding between Kurdistan Technical Institute and Bakrajo Technical Institute, on Wednesday 2024/3/6 a panel “Starting Scientific Research from Writing to Presentation” was held.

At the beginning of the panel, Dr. Kawa Reza, Dean of Bakrajo Technical Institute welcomed the guests and participants, praised the beginning of joint activities between the two institutes and spoke about the launch of future efforts to continue joint work.

Then Dr. Rebwar Mullah Nabi, Dean of Kurdistan Technical Institute, first thanked the Dean of Bakrajo Technical Institute for hosting and organizing this joint panel, then pointed out the scientific achievements that have been achieved during the past year.

Then the panel began which consisted of the following:

Mr. Shalaw Abdulrahman, Assistant Dean of Bakrajo Technical Institute, Panel Director

Dr. Zana Aziz Kakarash, Head of Information Technology Department, Kurdistan Technical Institute, panelist

Ms. Shara Saleh Ali, Director of Education Programs and Quality Assurance, panelist

At the end of the panel, the deans of Bakrajo Technical Institute and Kurdistan Technical Institute awarded certificates of appreciation to the panelists.

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