
Maya Company would like to thank the Dean of the Institute

Date : 09 - Feb - 2024

In a worthy ceremony, Maya Company invited all the directors, assistants and scientific supervisors of educational institutions and thanked them. Hawzhin Hassan Mohammed, Authorized Director of the company, as an appreciation for their efforts in the field of education, presented letters of appreciation to the directors and assistants of each university, college, schools and kindergartens, while appreciating the role of scientific supervisors.

In the framework of the ceremony, M. Hawzhin Hassan thanked Dr. Rebwar Mullah Nabi, Dean of the Institute and Dr. Luqman Rauf, Director of the Institute\'s Registry and congratulated them for the scientific achievements achieved in the past.

At the end of the ceremony, Maya expressed its full support for its institutions, which always supports them with the best and most advanced learning resources.

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