
A faculty member of the pharmacy department of the institute has been elected as the Middle East President of the Federation of College of Pharmacy Students and Fresh Graduates

Date : 20 - Jan - 2024

Sava Osman, a lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy, was elected as the president of the Middle East Association at the 10th Annual Meeting of Students and Graduates of the College of Pharmacy, held in Qatar and Qatar University.

Ms Save currently represents 23 organizations in 14 countries in the region, while after winning the position again in Indonesia with a total of 30 countries voted online to win the trust of countries.

Currently, M.Sc. Sava Osman is responsible for initiating and directing the federation\\'s activities in 14 Middle Eastern countries, while establishing stronger relationships with universities and professional NGOs in the Middle East. At the same time, he represents the federation at international meetings such as the World Health Organization, and is working to organize the Middle East Pharmaceutical Symposium to be held in Jordan this year.

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